And another book by Adam Nevill that will leave you breathless gasping for air from the first chapters until you reach the last one. Rare are those who can achieve that and excel in delivering it "impeccably" but Adam does it once again with Lost Girl; His books deserve to be considered epic because they are in one word EPIC. Like its precedents, Lost Girl is not an easy read! It challenges your mind to absorb what is laid before! it is a ride made in hell, it takes your hand and walks you to the cliff before pushing you into the abyss of its horrors! Horrors that vary from terrifying supernatural to the dark side of the human nature! Adam proves again that horror doesn't reside only in the haunted apartments or about ghoulish figures or creepy shadows or with the demonic entities; similarly or maybe more terrifyingly, horror resides in our depravity, comes from our derangement and lives in our narcissism. Horror is what we are capable to inflict on each other with no mercy.

In Lost Girl, it is year 2053, the world is collapsing and crumbling fragment after another! It is a world torn by wars, defeated by climate change, stricken by food and water shortages, invaded by the massive number of refugees, affected by pandemics and diseases; where every corner is infested by human traffickers and pedophiles, reeked by depravity and sex slavery and where King Death gang "reigns supremely" with no rivalry! Before all this, the Father engages in a journey of guilt and fury and revenge to save his daughter who was abducted two years back. A JOURNEY OF BLOOD!
The father's name remains anonymous in the book, that was a clever approach from the author to strip the protagonist off everything relating to his old personality and his character and traits; the father is nothing but the father of the lost girl and that's how he defines himself "he is only her father'', an oblivion to what and who he was before, because for him nothing else really matters. He is the Red Father driven only by his grief coiled with a flaring anger and engulfing revenge to find his daughter. His transformation into a "vigilante" is ultimatum, punishing and destroying every culprit who comes in his way. A morbid determination that will keep pushing him in his quest until the end.
And yes the Book has a supernatural side: what is that patron who lurks waiting in the deep darkness of the after death, you wonder, and what are the signs that confine the Father to his antagonist Oleg?! I should add as well that I found the father's surreal dreams in chapter 19 and the creepy mural depictions in the chapel along with the hallucinations of Oleg Chorny disturbing and scary! Every detail there leaves you with an eerie sensation, though too blurry to define it!

Another thing that makes Adam's books special is his deep and strong characterization of both protagonists and their antagonists! And here the reader will see that antagonists in King Death gangsters. A horrid picture is drawn about their atrocities inflicted by their lieutenants and creepy rituals daubed by their seers on the walls! Growing tension and fear the reader feels for the Father in his hunt and run from them, unfathomable is the doomed destiny if they capture him. Among the various themes of the book are the ominous and the philosophical ! Ominous of the doomed future that awaits us if we continue our destruction and philosophical about Nihilism and existence of man where the sentence ''L'homme devant la mort" simplifies this existence. We are nobody before death, nothing but a smudge in this world, simply a dust!
And speaking of details, Adam has an eagle's eye for everything and he delivers his observations in his fine impeccable way. In Lost GIRL, humans shed humanity, only greed and depravity rule! they are rodents, they are reptilians with calculating beady eyes and slithery skin. The descriptions in chapter 13 in brief surpass the physical limits of the book and transform every word into living pictures before the reader's eyes. The Grotesque comes in the flesh!
What I liked the most about the book is how the author depicted the fatherly love for his child! His guilt, his struggle, his despair and hope, etc. it was perfectly done, very genuine without mere exaggerations or embellishment.
Needless to say that the writing style is astonishing as always for the author is one of the finest! Book lovers, this is a book that you will never forget, a book that will leave its mark for sure, my advice for you is to grab it and read it Now
😊🤓! extremely and highly recommended!